Random stuff

Since we don’t really know each other, here are a few random details about me.

  1. Despite my ass being glued to an airplane seat, I’ve purchased only one business class ticket in my life.
  2. I’m a relative hack at most things I do. I simply try much harder than most people to excel.
  3. If I were an animal, I’d be a badger. Not cute, not graceful, but fearless and determined.
  4. Everything I love in the world has gluten in it, and I’m gluten intolerant.
  5. I run primarily to balance out all the bad things I do. I run a lot.
  6. My best friend, confidant, running partner and key business advisor is an 8-year-old mutt named Jack.
  7. If I had the choice to live out the rest of my life on a desert island with my record collection or my family, there’d be a turntable in my suitcase (and a dog by my side).
  8. I believe the world would be a better place without hazelnuts.
  9. I’m allergic to politics.
  10. I’m convinced that the ability to laugh heartily at oneself is the key to laughing at, and along with, others.
  11. I’ve never seen Star Wars.
  12. I eat every meal like it’s the first time I’ve seen food.
  13. In my high school yearbook, I confidently wrote that I was going to be a doctor by age 25. What the hell happened?